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Updating your Contact Details

1. Logging into your Portal
  • Go to the "My Account" section of the Zen website and enter your username or password

    Two text boxes, indicating to enter log in details, with an option below to sign up
    Note - If you are not signed up for the portal click the button to "Sign Up for a Zen Account"
2. Changing Personal Details
  • Select the your initials at the bottom of the main Portal page.

  • Portal interface with the option for profile details highlighted

  • Select the "My Profile" tile

  • selection boxes with the option for My Profile highlighted

  • Here you can change the "Mobile Number" associated to your account

    personal detail menu with all optioned greyed out aside mobile number

Note - If you need to change any of the details greyed out. Please contact the number shown.

3. Changing Your Password
  • Select the "My Account" tab at the top of the page

    menu tabs at the top of a page. The one for My Account highlighted
  • Select the "Change Password" tile

    set of my account tiles with the option to change password highlighted
  • Here you can change your "Log In Password". You must confirm this change by first entering your current password

    multiple text boxes to confirm current/new password and a box to set a new password
4. Enabling Multi-factor Authentication
  • Select the "My Account" tab at the top of the page

    menu tabs at the top of a page. The one for My Account highlighted
  • Select the "Multi-factor authentication" tile

    Multi-factor authentication button shown in the new home portal

  • Here you choose to enable MFA through the "App" or "Phone number" setup guides shown

    Multi-factor authentication buttons within the Zen portal
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Phone | Zen Internet
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01706 902573
Phone | Zen Internet
Zen Internet - Customer EnquiriesCustomer Enquiries
01706 902001