Managing Your Domain DNS Records

Want to know how to change Domain DNS records such as A, MX or CNAME? Click below to find out how in the Customer Portal:


How to Log Into Your cPanel

Want to log into your cPanel, but don't know exactly how? Click below for a guide that walks you through the steps:

Creating a cPanel Email Account

Wanting to create an email account on your cPanel? Click below for a guide that shows you how:

Email | Zen Internet

Finding cPanel Email Settings

Have an email account on your cPanel you wish to know the settings for? Click below for a guide showing you how:

Adding a Domain to your cPanel

Have a Domain name that you want to park on your cPanel, but don't know exactly how? Click below for a guide that shows you how:

Uploading Content to your cPanel

Do you have web content that you want to upload to your cPanel, but don't know how? Click below for a guide to help:

Changing the Default Email Address on cPanel

Need to change the address that emails route too on your cPanel when sent to an incorrect address? Click below for a guide that shows you how:

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