This is not a saviour thing. This is not a saving the world thing. This isn’t about preaching or polishing a halo or patting ourselves on the back. This is about realising that being a great internet provider is only one part of our job. The other is doing whatever we can to look after the people we work with and the place we live in.

So we just want our customers to know that at least some of the money we make is being spent on kindness, not capes.

Zen is both ordinarily extraordinary and extraordinarily ordinary. It’s what sets us apart and delivers the pinky promise when we say we are in business to be a force for good. We mean it.

This is not a saviour thing. This is not a saving the world thing. This isn’t about preaching or polishing a halo or patting ourselves on the back. This is about realising that being a great internet provider is only one part of our job. The other is doing whatever we can to look after the people we work with and the place we live in.

So we just want our customers to know that at least some of the money we make is being spent on kindness, not capes.

Zen is both ordinarily extraordinary and extraordinarily ordinary. It’s what sets us apart and delivers the pinky promise when we say we are in business to be a force for good. We mean it.

Our B Corp Impact Report


As a Certified B Corporation and Carbon Neutral Plus business, you can be sure that our interest in people, the planet, and a better way of doing business is sincere.  We are incredibly proud of our status as a B Corporation which we first achieved in August 2020. It is all about being part of a community of leaders, driving a global movement of people using business as a force for good.

As part of our B Corp development we have produced an Annual Impact Report, detailing what progress we have made towards creating a positive impact. It covers our social and environmental impact, designed to encourage open conversation, and amplify the business case for responsible businesses. We have learnt and continue to learn more about ourselves as a business every day, investing in continuous improvement for the benefit of our people, our customers, our suppliers, the communities in which we operate and our planet.

To learn more about how we are using business as a force for good and an insight into the journey we are taking download the Annual Impact Report here.

If this resonates with you and your business please do get in touch to continue the conversation.

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Carbon Neutral
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