Checking your Order

For Business

1. Logging into your Portal
  • Go to the " My Account" section of the Zen website and enter your username or password

    Two text boxes, indicating to enter log in details, with an option below to sign up
    Note - If you are not signed up for the portal click the button to "Sign Up for a Zen Account"
2. Finding Your Order Details
  • Select "Orders" at the side of the main Portal page

Highlighted Orders menu within the Business Portal

  • Orders are categorized by their status, this can be changed at the top
Highlighted tabs to select order state within the Business Portal

  • You can search for the order you want view, using any order information you've been given then select it from the list
Highlighted orders to select within the Business Portal

  • Then you can find all of your Order information from the details shown
Various example details of a Zen Full Fibre Order in the Business Portal

Note - If you need further help or information on your order, please contact our Order Managment team for assistance. 

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