When setting up your email on a device or mail client (e.g Outlook/MacMail), you'll need the login details for your email account and the server information to be able to gain access.
These are the same for both incoming and outgoing servers
Username: Your ".myzen.co.uk" or your Zen username (zen123456@zen) email address
Email Address: Same as your username, unless you're using an alias on a "@zen.co.uk" email address
Password: This should be the password you set for the account, in the Zen Customer Portal
Server Name: mailhost.zen.co.uk
Type: POP3
Port: 995 (110 if 995 doesn't work, but this is less secure)
Encryption Type: TLS/SSL
Server Name: mailhost.zen.co.uk
Port: 587 (465 if 587 doesn't work, but this is less secure)
Encryption Type: STARTTLS (if available) or SSL
Any mail caught by our spam filters is sent to a different spam mailbox for POP3 email.
You can access this mailbox by entering "/spam" at the end of your username before the "@" symbol, and by using the same password as the original mailbox.
E.g. zen123456/spam@zen.co.uk
E.g. example@email/spam.myzen.co.uk