How to Remove an Eero from your Network

1. Open the Eero App
  • Open the Eero app on your mobile device, now select the Eero you wish to remove from the list

Eero App Home with the Eeros in the network highlighted

2. Locating Eero Settings
  • Within the Eero Device select "Advanced"

Option to open advanced settings for an Eero Device highlighted

  • Then select "Remove Eero"

A selected Eero device with the option to remove highlighed

3. Removing the Device
  • If you're sure you wish to remove this Eero select "Remove from Network"

A red button to confirm the removal of an eero device from a network

  • If your Mobile shows a further prompt, press the option to "Remove"

Phone popup confirming removal of Eero from a network

If you've selected the wrong Eero at any time, click either the back arrow or "Home" within the App

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