Upgrading to CityFibre


Broadband to CityFibre Upgrade | Zen Internet
Before You Start!

When upgrading from Broadband to CityFibre. There's a couple of things you'll need to change with how your router is setup.

Unplug the power for your Router and follow the below steps on changing how everything is plugged in.

1. Swap Over Your Cables
  • Start by disconnecting your grey DSL cable. One end will be into "DSL" on the back of your FRITZ!Box router

  • grey cable going into a square dsl plug

  • Now disconnect the other end of the grey cable from your telephone socket or DSL microfilter

  • grey dsl cable going into a square dsl plug in a larger adapter

  • Find and connect the provided white Ethernet cable to "LAN 1" on the back of your FRITZ!Box

  • white ethernet cable going into a yellow lan plug

  • Connect the other side of this white cable to "LAN" on the engineer installed ONT mounted to your wall

  • white ethernet cable going into yellow lan plug

    Note: Your ONT may already have an Ethernet cable into "LAN". If this is the case, connect the other end of this to "LAN 1" on your FRITZ!Box.

  • Now power on the router and wait for the Power/DSL light to go a solid green

    The green lit FRITZ!Box Power/DSL light
Still Need a Hand?

If the above steps don't get you online, please contact our Technical Support team for further assistance.

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