Women in Tech

Critical thinking & communication, the perfect blend...


Megan Porter

Job title:

Senior Systems Analyst

How long have you been at Zen?

17 months

Megan Porter - Portrait
What do you do at Zen?

I am a Systems Analyst for the Salesforce team which is a part of the Platforms team. I am responsible for understanding business processes and proactively working to resolve any issues within the platform. I configure, administer and design solutions to meet the businesses needs and requirements.

What is a fond memory of your time at Zen?

There have been many happy memories here at Zen. My happiest memory is how welcoming everyone was when I first started and how valued and included I have felt since day 1.

What makes you proud of being a woman in Tech?

I’m proud to work in Technology because it allows me to combine my soft skills and technical abilities. I enjoy troubleshooting and resolving issues to make a better business process. It’s the perfect blend of critical thinking, communicating and building the best solution. It’s great to see the end result and see the impact of my work within the business.

What do you think could encourage more women into working in Tech?

I think we can attract more women into technology through a number of ways:

1. Education: I think this needs to be addressed from as early as Secondary Education. Women need to know that there are roles for them in Technology, and we need to break down the gender stereotypes within Tech.

2. Recruitment: Ensure job specs appeal to women as well as men. Promote the flexibility of working within tech, this is especially appealing for a woman who have children.

3. Promotion: Showcase the progression of women within the Senior Leadership Team. This would show that progression is available for women in tech, and boost the confidence of existing female members of staff, and potential applicants for new roles.

Learn more about Megan...

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