If it isn’t already available in your area, full fibre connectivity is continuing its rollout to homes and businesses throughout the country, now with gigabit speeds available (subject to availability in your area).

So, in honour of our fastest ever broadband connection, we thought we’d fill you in on just what full fibre is, and how it beats all other types of broadband connectivity.

All the way to your home or office

‘Old fashioned’ ADSL broadband carries your signal over copper wires – from the exchange to your local street cabinet, and from the cabinet to your home or office.

The reason copper was chosen is simple – it’s the transmission medium used for traditional telephone lines. So, your broadband signal travels over the same wires as your telephone calls.

Copper is convenient (it’s everywhere), but it isn’t the best medium for transmitting broadband over. Wherever significant distances are involved, it degrades the signal (which is why older broadband is slower than more modern fibre alternatives). It’s also vulnerable to interference from outside signals, which can again cause issues in terms of speed and reliability.

Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) goes some way to resolving these issues, using a fibre connection to carry your signal from the exchange to the local street cabinet. But that last section – from the cabinet to your home or office – still uses copper wires. So, the greater distance between you and the cabinet, the greater amount of copper your broadband signal has to travel over.

Full fibre, or FTTP (Fibre to the Premises) is different. It’s a fibre optic connection all the way to your home or office. When fibre’s involved all the way, you’re guaranteed a more stable, high performance and faster connection.

Future proof

The speeds available for full fibre broadband thus far, while impressive, haven’t even begun to show off its potential.

But now, we’ve launched gigabit connectivity – with download speeds up to 900Mbps!

And with corresponding upload speeds of more than 100Mbps, whether you’re streaming 4K movies, backing up huge files or video conferencing in HD, a gigabit full fibre connection won’t even break a sweat.

Even if you don’t need those extreme speeds today, with full fibre it’s easy to choose the speed you need now with a simple upgrade path available when you want more.

Do more

As we use our connections more and more, the massively faster speeds that full fibre offers will keep us smoothly connected for years to come.

And, what’s more, with a full fibre connection you don’t even need a phone line. That means no line rental and, as old analogue lines are replaced by digital connections, you’ll be one step ahead for the future of your communications.

From cloud services to gaming, fully connected homes, offices and more, do more – faster, smoother, better, with full fibre from Zen.


To find out more about ultrafast full fibre from Zen – whether it’s available in your area, and what speeds you can expect – visit our website.

For home connections, click here.

For business connections, click here.

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