Zen Internet, the UK’s largest independent telecommunications and technology service provider, has partnered with comparison site Uswitch to provide consumers with more choice and better options when it comes to broadband products.

The announcement sees Zen park its tanks on the lawn of the UK’s major broadband providers, as it urges consumers to actively explore switching in the interest of better internet speeds, customer service and reliability. It also protects consumers from end of contract price hikes the industry has become notorious for.    

It comes as recent research from Zen surveying more than 2,000 people with broadband revealed the benefits of comparing products and shopping around. Nearly nine in 10 Brits who have previously switched broadband provider (89%) said they have benefitted from doing so.

However, many have been reluctant to embrace change with four in five respondents (83%) in the 55+ category stating that they have not switched within the last year if ever at all, and recent figures from Ofcom suggesting that nine million Brits are collectively overpaying £1bn for their broadband and TV services.


Finding the right package

According to Uswitch more people switch their broadband with them than any other switching site. To help customers shop around for the packages which are right for them, Zen is advertising three superfast fibre products on the Uswitch site. These are:

  • Unlimited Broadband (12 month) + line rental – 10Mbps average download speed, and a 1Mbps average upload speed at £28.00 per month
  • Unlimited Fibre 1 + line rental – 35Mbps average download speed, and a 6Mbps average upload speed at £29.99 per month
  • Unlimited Fibre 2 + line rental – 66Mbps average download speed, and a 17Mbps average upload speed at £34.99 per month

As with all Zen products, all three are protected by the company’s Lifetime Price Guarantee, an industry first initiative which means customers that stay on these products are given a promise that their monthly price will never go up, even when out of contract.

Richard Tang, Founder and Chairman, Zen, said: “For too long the broadband industry has taken the consumer on a helter-skelter ride – capitalising on inertia and overcomplicating the switching process. 

“People should be aware that switching is simple and those out of contract should do their research with comparison sites such as Uswitch available to help find the best product which is right for them.

“At Zen we pride ourselves on providing reliable broadband coupled with excellent customer service and consistent speeds. We urge consumers not to put up with poor and patchy connectivity at a time when access to the Internet is more important than ever.”

Ernest Doku, broadband expert at Uswitch.com, commented: “We’re delighted to welcome Zen to Uswitch, helping to give consumers greater choice when it comes to broadband.

“There continues to be inconsistencies across the country when it comes to broadband speeds and reliability many have to put up with. More awareness and education is needed in terms of service availability, what those services offer and how much they will cost.

“This is why we would always urge consumers to run a quick comparison when their existing deal comes to an end, as they may find that they can get a better, faster service and pay less while doing so.”

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