You know what’s coming. The next 2-3 years might bring some changes to the way your connectivity and voice services are delivered.

As the old copper-based network begins to disappear, if you haven’t already, you’ll need to start looking at some of your options for transitioning away from legacy technology.


Happy with your existing voice service? Whether you’re using a single phone line or a multi-line ISDN service, it’s important to know that the underlying technology won’t last forever.

As copper-based services are removed from sale and ultimately removed altogether, challenges will arise in terms of support and upgradeability. If you’re taking your voice services over a traditional landline, you’ll need to ensure that your business is future proofed by 2025.

But what are your options?

The good news is that better options for most businesses already exist today.

For example, if you’re looking for a straight replacement for your traditional phone lines, a VoIP solution like SIP would be ideal. It retains a familiar look and feel to your existing service, but with numerous advantages like scalability, easy call re-routing, the ability to connect users in different locations and, often, better cost efficiency.

The major difference is that calls will be routed via your Zen internet connection rather than the traditional phone network.

If you’re looking for a little more than a conventional-looking phone system though, there’s also the option of a CloudComms service. This is true cloud-based communications that covers much more than just traditional voice calls. You’ll also have access to a host of tools for centrally managing your teams, monitoring calls and statistics and giving your users full access to all their functionality from any location (even without a phone!).

Fibre install wide


As the old voice network is switched off, some traditional broadband connections might cease to work. But again, you don’t need to worry about being left high and dry.

There are plenty of options rolling out soon or available today that can more than cover your connectivity needs.

When analogue voice lines are long gone, you’ll still need to be able to receive a broadband connection at your premises. Thankfully there will be a couple of options to keep you covered.

SoGEA (Single Order Generic Ethernet Access), will likely be the solution for users who are still unable to access full fibre after 2025. Once the old phone network is switched off, those copper cables will still be available for carrying broadband connections. Only these connections won’t come with a voice service. You’ll need to sort out your calls using one of the options above, or a VoIP service of some sort. We’re currently developing our very own SoGEA product, so watch this space for more information!

Full Fibre is the logical long-term replacement for those old copper connections. And it’s more reliable, faster, and a tremendous platform for carrying your modern IP or cloud-based voice services.

If you can’t get full fibre at your premises yet, or you’re looking for absolute service guarantees, an Ethernetconnection with its guaranteed symmetrical bandwidth might suit you better. This dedicated connection into your office provides rock solid reliability and a totally uncontended route to the internet.


As you can see, the fact that old copper-based services are going away shouldn’t be a cause for concern. There are plenty of future-proof – and often much better performing – options available to you right now.

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