From guaranteed performance to symmetrical bandwidth, zero contention and more, there are plenty of good reasons to choose a leased line. But when you’re considering whether you need a new leased line or a more standard broadband connection it’s worth considering how some of these advantages might benefit your business.

Here are four reasons why your business might benefit from a leased line.

1) You need a guaranteed connection

However unlikely broadband dropouts may be, your business may well depend on guaranteed connectivity.

Perhaps you’re carrying out regular financial transactions or business-critical backups. Whatever the reason, when downtime just won’t do, a 99.9% availability SLA (which can be further boosted with additional resilience options) might be just what your business needs.

And in the unlikely event that a problem should ever arise, you’ll also benefit from 24-hour dedicated support to get you back up and running quickly.

So, question number one to ask yourself when you’re considering whether a leased line is for you is ‘can we afford any downtime?’

2) You need to give your WiFi a boost

Now hear us out here. We know that WiFi and your internet connection are very different things, but with a guaranteed, faster, more reliable connection you’ll be able to provide a better WiFi service.

Consider your customers. If you’re providing them with guest WiFi connectivity, making the switch to a leased line can result in a more reliable service. And it can help you to ensure you have sufficient bandwidth to satisfy their needs.

Then there’s your own staff. If you’re using wireless POS equipment for example, a reliable, guaranteed connection will help to keep payment processing smooth and trouble free.

3) You need to transfer lots of data

Leased line connections are symmetrical, which basically means upload and download speeds are the same – and that’s a big deal.

That’s because most traditional broadband connections are asymmetrical, meaning that, typically, upload speeds are much slower than download speeds.

For most home users that’s not a problem because most normal internet use is far more reliant on downloads. But if your business is in the business of regularly backing up data, sending large files or making video calls, for example, you’ll likely benefit from a great upload speed too.

4) You need a consistent connection

In this context, when we say consistent, we mean consistently receiving the level of service you’re paying for.

Most broadband connections are contended; that is, they are shared between multiple customers. Theoretically at least, if every customer sharing that connection were to demand a significant amount of data at the same time, everyone’s connection would suffer and slow down – because of congestion on the service.

And congestion can be most troublesome at the busiest times – like everyone conducting their morning meetings or streaming entertainment after work.

Thankfully, leased line connections are dedicated. They’re yours and yours alone, which means you’ll never suffer from too many customers using the connection. You’ll always get the level of service you pay for, even at the busiest times of day.


To talk to us about whether your business needs a leased line, give us a call on 01706 902583 or check out our page here for more information.

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