Are you here because you’re both curious and confused by the PSTN switch off? Let us guide you through some of the jargon and nuances.

Have you recently heard somewhere that the landline as we know it will soon be phased out? When it comes to researching when landlines will be phased out in the UK, there’s an overwhelming amount of information to sieve through. So much so, that the concept of understanding what it means becomes much more complicated than it needs to be.

At Zen, we prefer to keep things simple. This blog provides the full lowdown on the Great British Switch Off – all in one digestible place. Because why wait until 2025 to part with your landline phones?

We’ve got most of your questions covered here, but if you still need help or are confused please do reach out to our team who will be happy to help.

What does the Great British Switch Off mean? 

The Big Switch Off refers to the gradual phasing out of BT’s Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). By 2023, people will no longer be able to connect a traditional landline phone the way we used to. In 2025, businesses and homeowners will bid their final farewell to analogue phone lines.

Enter, the new acronym to listen out for: VoIP. Referring to Voice Over Internet Protocol, this will allow people to make crystal clear voice calls over an internet connection. With a vast majority of the UK heavily reliant on the internet for their daily needs, and the rollout of full fibre broadband already taking place, the BT copper switch off as it is also known is going to enable the ultimate digital transformation – cementing the traditional phone line deep in the past.

Why is the Big Switch Off happening? 

As the use of internet continues to soar, the demand for landlines is quickly plummeting –  something that comes as no surprise. Telecommunication companies have not held back in voicing how the Public Switched Telephone Network(PSTN) equipment is not only expensive to run, but also lacking in quality. Traditional landlines are infamously known for their unreliability – with dated underground copper cables being impacted by even the slightest change of weather conditions.

Users want a connection that can stand up the storm. And with the new FTTP (fibre to the premises) cables being installed in replacement of the dated copper wires, this will mean stronger, more robust connections that are also far more resilient to extreme weather conditions.

When will landlines be phased out in the UK? 

Engineers have been provided a strict date to meet the looming Openreach end of lifedeadline of December 2025, but the transition is already well under way. Full fibre broadband is being installed across the UK at super-fast speed, cutting the cord on copper wires for good. Plus, many consumers in certain parts of the UK are no longer able to purchase a new PSTN or ISDN landline, with more locations being added each month to eventually become nationwide from September 2023. This means your current wired telephone will be joining phone boxes as nothing more than a vintage collectible in just over two years’ time.

How will it impact PSTN, ISDN and landlines?

You may be wondering if your landline phone will keep working until the events of these dates take place? Zen customers needn’t panic – as your current set up will still do its job for a while yet. It is worth noting though, in the trial exchanges of Mildenhall and Salisbury, that any customers will need to have migrated to a VOIP offering by the end of March 2023 at the very latest – that is fast approaching.

When the time comes for you to replace your phone service, you’ll notice a few changes in the way that they’re installed.

Take a look over at your landline phone. See those tangled wires leading to a master socket? They’re leading to copper cables that have been existing deep underground for decades – hence the broken conversations you might experience from time to time. When you next look to install your new set up, it will plug directly into your internet router instead. This will allow all your calls to be taken through VoIP so you can enjoy smooth conversations.

As for your broadband, many people in the UK are already reaping the benefits of full fibre connections – and this number will continue to grow over the next two years. If full fibre has yet to reach you, there is no need to worry because your current broadband should continue to work as normal and we also have alternative solutions in place to ensure we keep you connected.

What is Digital Voice? 

If you want to keep hold of what will essentially be your landline phone you will require a new Digital Voice service.

Digital Voice is the new phone line that will replace the existing one. Instead of using traditional copper wires, it will simply plug into your router just the same way as it currently plugs into your master socket. Digital Voice will enable you to make all your phone calls through your router, ringing in plenty of new benefits to keep you talking for hours on end. From HD call quality to optimum cost-efficiency, Digital Voice has been developed with the customer’s needs in mind. Once the switch is made, there will be no looking back.

Zen Digital Voice is now available to all compatible households with Zen. You can expect to receive lots of communication from us on this matter and as soon as it is available to you, we will keep you informed. Or if you want to enquire when it might be available, please do get in touch. Don’t worry if the Digital Voice infrastructure isn’t quite ready for you yet – our team will be sure to let you know when you’ll be able to add it to your Zen broadband package.

What does the Big Switch Off mean for you? 

We’re not calling it the Great British Switch Off for nothing. The benefits that come with this digital transformation are endless – helping you to keep connected in the most efficient way possible. Seeing the end of landline phones in 2025 may feel like an overwhelming shift – and the end of an era, even – but we have the perfect solution in VoIP to ensure every call you take is as seamless as the last.

What steps will you need to take? 

There’s no major action you need to take as your provider will likely be in touch with you when the time is right. If you do notice that the end of your contract is coming up, factoring in what type of connectivity is going to see you through the Big Switch Off is a key consideration. For example, if you’re still on a copper line, you may want to take this opportunity to upgrade to a full fibre package if it is available in your area so that you’re well prepared for the PSTN switch off.

However, say you still have another year left to go on your contract, you don’t need to do anything for the time being. If you’re concerned that you’ll forget closer to the time – we’ll be sure to remind you with plenty of time if a change of service is going to be needed.

How can Zen help? 

To support our customers in making a seamless switch to VoIP in time for the Big Switch Off, we’ve launched our very own Digital Voice service. This will deliver the highest quality audio for your calls using the ultra-fast internet speeds that we already provide.

The benefits of Zen Digital Voice include:

  • Make it personal. Adapt your Digital Voice package to suit your needs.
  • Easy repairs. Internet and voice communications will use a singular connection for reduced maintenance or repair costs.
  • Enjoy our special features. Digital Voice includes special features such as voicemail, the ability to blacklist nuisance calls, call waiting and call barring to elevate your experience.


Find out more about Digital Voice and the ways Zen can support you in the Big Switch Off transition.
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