Full fibre internet is the latest and fastest broadband technology that delivers ultrafast broadband speeds and reliability to your home. And according to Ofcom’s latest figures, nearly half of all UK households now have access to full fibre technology.

Unlike standard or partial fibre broadband, which uses copper wires for the final part of the connection, full fibre uses fibre optic cables all the way from the exchange to your home. And that means faster speeds, up to 900Mbps in fact.

But the benefits of full fibre go beyond just speed. Here are five more reasons to make the upgrade to full fibre broadband.

1) Reliability

Full fibre internet is more reliable than standard copper or partial Fibre broadband like FTTC (fibre to the cabinet) because it is less prone to interference, damage or loss of signal over long distances.

Full fibre also tends to have higher bandwidth, which means it can handle more data and devices without slowing down. And that means you can rely on full fibre to keep you connected more of the time, even during busy peak hours or during bad weather.

2) Connect and communicate

With full fibre broadband, you can connect and communicate with others more easily and effectively. Whether you’re video calling family or friends, streaming movies and TV shows or gaming online, full fibre can support high-quality connections across multiple devices and platforms. You can also upload files and photos faster, thanks to increased upload speeds.

3) Future-proof

Full fibre internet is future-proof, ready to accommodate the growing demand for faster and better broadband services that require higher speed and lower latency. Full fibre also has a longer lifespan than copper wires – many of which have already outlived their useful lifespan. It is built to provide what we need for decades to come and is only likely to become faster and more effective in the years ahead.



4) Boost home working

Full fibre broadband can boost your home working experience, by giving you the capacity to work more productively and efficiently. Imagine super-reliable video calls, fast file uploads, seamless access to cloud-based applications and remote access to your office network, all without breaking a sweat. And all that extra bandwidth means keeping a happy balance between your work and home life… speaking of which.

5) Keep the whole home happy

By providing enough bandwidth for everyone’s online needs, full fibre broadband can help keep the whole home happy. It can handle multiple online users and devices at once, without compromising on speed or quality, and it provides the perfect platform for a smart home filled with smart speakers, video doorbells, thermostats and security cameras.

With full fibre, the whole family can enjoy endless entertainment – from video calls to movies, gaming and more. So if you’re asking ‘is full fibre broadband worth it?’, think of the peace of mind that a happily connected home could bring!


As our demands for speed and reliability become greater, full fibre broadband provides the best option for our home connections. If you want to experience the difference that full fibre can make, enter your postcode to see what’s available at your address.


What is the difference between superfast fibre and full fibre?

If you find yourself asking that question, here’s the answer.

Superfast fibre is currently the most widespread type of broadband in the UK. It’s sometimes referred to as ‘partial fibre’ because only part of the connection relies on fibre optic cables. When you hear about fibre to the cabinet (FTTC), that pretty much sums things up – the fibre optic cables run to the street cabinet, but the last part of the connection – to your home – is over copper wires, the same copper wires as traditional landline telephones.

Full fibre broadband, also called fibre to the premises (FTTP) cuts out the copper entirely, with fibre optic cables running all the way to your home. This in turn provides better reliability and faster connection speeds.

You can find out more about full fibre from Zen, and enter your postcode to check out our packages, here.

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