If you’re a business owner, you probably use email as one of your main communication channels with your customers, partners, and suppliers. But have you ever wondered if your email address is giving the right impression of your business?

Many businesses use generic email addresses (such as yourname@gmail.com) for their email communications, either because they are free, easy to set up, or familiar to use. However, using a generic email address can have some drawbacks for your business:

  • It can look unprofessional and ‘cheap’, especially if you are looking to establish a credible and trustworthy brand.
  • It can affect your email deliverability and performance, as generic email addresses are more likely to be flagged as spam, blocked, or ignored by the recipient.
  • It can limit your email functionality and features, as generic email providers may not offer the tools and options that you need to run your business efficiently and securely.
  • It can dilute your brand identity and awareness, as generic email addresses do not reflect your business name, logo, or website.

That’s why using a domain email address (such as yourname@yourbusiness.co.uk) could be a better option for your business. A domain email address is an email address that uses your own domain name instead of a generic one. A domain email address can have many benefits to your business, including:

A more professional image: A domain email address shows that you are serious about your business and that you have invested in your online presence. It also creates a consistent and memorable impression of your brand across all your communications.

Better performance and efficiency: A domain email address can help you avoid spam filters, deliverability issues, and inbox clutter that can affect generic email addresses. It can also allow you to use advanced features and tools from your email provider, such as Google Workspace, to improve your productivity and collaboration.

Improved branding: A domain email address reinforces your brand identity and awareness every time you send or receive an email. It can also help you create a consistent and unified online presence across your website, social media, branding, and marketing campaigns.

Standing out from the competition: A domain email address can help you stand out from other businesses that use generic email addresses. It can also demonstrate your credibility, professionalism, and expertise in your industry.


Getting started

If you’re convinced by the benefits of using a domain email address for your business, you may be wondering how to get started. The first step is to find the perfect domain name for your business. A domain name is the address of your website (such as www.yourbusiness.com) and forms the foundation of your domain email address.

You can easily search for available domain names using our site. Once you’ve found your perfect domain name, you might also decide to sign up for web hosting. You can check out our award-winning domain and hosting packages here.

At Zen, we offer a range of domain and hosting packages for business of all sizes.

For just £6.49 (+VAT), our Bronze package provides enough space and bandwidth for a small business website, plus 10 unique email mailboxes. At the other end of the scale, our Reseller packages provides for unlimited websites and 250 mailboxes.

Get in touch

If you’d rather talk to one of our team to discuss your needs, give us a call or drop us an email. Full contact details can be found here

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