Mental Health Awareness Week may only be a few days in May, but that doesn’t mean we should ever stop focusing on our wellbeing.

Our connection to the digital world is often blamed for feelings of stress and being overwhelmed, but what if that same tech could provide some relief? From mental health apps to simple smartphone tricks, here are ten ways you can use the tools in your pocket to enhance your wellbeing.

1. Apps to calm the mind

Do a quick web search for ‘wellbeing apps’ and you’ll see a long list of results. Many of these apps offer a range of features designed to help you manage stress, improve sleep, and find moments of peace. Options like Calm and Headspace provide guided meditations, breathing exercises, sleep assistance, and even mindfulness lessons for beginners, and many of the available options offer free trials so you can experiment and find the one that best suits your needs and preferences.

2. Create your own ‘Zen Sounds’ playlist

Music is a powerful tool for relaxation and now, more than ever, we have access to a seemingly limitless number of options. Why not craft your own relaxing playlist with soothing nature sounds, instrumental music, or calming melodies. Search on Spotify or your favourite music app for ‘relaxing playlists’ or ‘nature sounds for sleep’ for inspiration – or curate your very own personal selection of tracks for something uniquely yours.

3. Take a digital detox

Mindlessly scrolling through social media, news or emails can be draining. Set “focus” times on your phone to block distracting apps or take a complete tech break for an hour or two. Even brief digital detoxes allow you to reset, recharge mentally, and come back to your devices feeling more refreshed and focused. We may be an Internet Service Provider, but we definitely don’t advocate for spending all day every day stuck in front of a screen!

4. Connect with nature (or seek calm where you are)

Step away from the screen and seek out moments of tranquillity. If you have access to parks, trails or the beach, take a walk and actively focus on the sights, sounds and smells around you. For those in more urban areas, even a small park bench, a balcony with potted plants, or simply opening a window to let in the fresh air and birdsong can offer a mindful respite. The goal is to find a small piece of the natural world - however you define it - and immerse yourself in it.

5. Find an online community

You’re not alone! There are supportive online communities and forums dedicated to mental health where you can connect with others, share experiences, and find helpful resources. Seek out positive and understanding spaces that offer encouragement and advice without judgement.

6. Try guided meditation

If you’re new to meditation, YouTube has plenty of free guided sessions for all levels, from short 5-minute videos to longer deep relaxation practices. Experiment with a style that suits you – there are meditations for focus, stress relief, sleep and more. Guided meditation can help you learn to quiet your mind and find some inner calm, even amid the chaos of daily life.

7. Explore tech for good

There are lots of initiatives across the country that focus on furthering mental health research or providing mood tracking and resources. Check out a website like MindTech to learn how tech is actively being used to help people. You might just pick up a few tips or even decide to get involved!

8. Embrace the power of “Do Not Disturb”

Most modern phones have a powerful do not disturb mode that helps create much-needed boundaries with your technology. Schedule DND for evenings to fully disconnect, for periods of focused work, or any time you need to silence the constant stream of notifications. You can even customise your settings to allow certain contacts to reach you, ensuring you’re protected from distractions but never out of touch for emergencies.

9. Wind down properly

It’s a hard habit to get into, but an hour before bed, try to put down your devices. The blue light from screens can disrupt sleep patterns. If you must use them, enable “night mode” on your devices, which shifts the display to warmer tones for less eye strain and gentler evening viewing.

10. WiFi your way with Zen EveryRoom

Want to enjoy a mindful moment in the garden, or find a quiet corner of the house? Zen EveryRoom ensures a strong WiFi signal everywhere in the home, so you can relax and recharge in any room – a reliable connection means your meditation app won’t cut out at a key moment!

You deserve a moment of calm

Mental health matters and taking care of your wellbeing is essential. We hope this article has offered some valuable ideas and inspired you to find technology solutions that work for you. Whether it’s trying a calming app, crafting your own relaxing soundtrack, or simply setting boundaries with your devices, we believe everyone deserves a moment of peace and tranquillity.

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