Moving house is an exciting yet hectic time. Among all the hustle and bustle it can be easy to overlook even the most obvious things. One thing you wouldn’t want to be left without when you open your new front door is your internet service.

We’re here to help make the process of transferring your broadband and phone service as simple as possible. Here are some tips to help ensure a smooth transition.

Plan ahead: Allow at least 10 working days

One of the most important things to remember is to give us as much notice as possible. Typically, 10-15 working days should be enough for us to get your service smoothly transferred. This timeframe allows us to set up your new service at your new address and ensure you’re not left without a connection. Rather than thinking of it as moving an existing service, it’s really a lot more like setting up a new service – and that requires time and coordination to make your switch as straightforward as possible.

Make a checklist

To help make your move smoother, follow this simple checklist:

  1. Contact Zen early: As soon as you know your moving in date, get in touch. The more notice you can provide, the better (within reason – we don’t need to know six months before your move
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01706 902001