We’re delighted to announce that ISP Review, in their latest report, has ranked Zen highly for both download and upload speeds.

Ranking number two for download speeds and number one for upload speeds for the first half of 2024, Zen is the obvious choice for a rapid broadband service. But while we’re absolutely committed to delivering the best speeds possible to our customers, we also believe that there’s more to great broadband than speed alone, and that’s what really makes us stand out from the rest.

Beyond speed – Discover the Zen difference

Over the years, Zen has been recognised for the high speeds we deliver to customers. Fast broadband is becoming increasingly important as more and more homes are packed with smart devices and streaming services. But what good is a great speed if your broadband is unreliable?


Thankfully for our customers, there is more to Zen than just speed. In this year’s Broadband Genie Awards, where Zen was named Best Widely Available Provider, we scored an impressive 90% for reliability, more than 15% above the industry average.

Great speed, great reliability… but there’s more.

Which? Recommended

We’re proud to have been named the only Which? Recommended Provider for Broadband for an astonishing four years in a row! That’s a real testament to our commitment to quality and value, and something that really sets us apart from our competitors.

One of the things that stood out to us this year was our score for Value for Money. At a time where we’re all thinking a little more carefully about how we spend our hard-earned cash, it’s nice to know that Zen was awarded the highest value for money score by the UK’s largest and most prestigious consumer body. You can read more about Zen’s Which? rating here.

Award-winning service

And if one Which? accolade isn’t enough, we’ve also been named the Which? Customer Service Brand of the Year. Stretching far beyond just the broadband industry, this is an award that recognises customer service in every single sector, with Zen beating out a host of top UK brands to the gong.

But it isn’t just about awards…

A commitment to fair pricing

We’ve made our thoughts clear on the practice of mid-contract price rises. We think they’re unfair and misleading, and they’re not something we’re interested in at Zen.

Which is why we introduced our Contract Price Promise, a cast-iron guarantee that the price you pay for your broadband service will remain unchanged for the life of your contract. It’s one less thing to worry about, and just another example of our commitment to putting people first.

Interested in Zen yet?

As you can see, Zen isn’t only one of the fastest broadband providers in the UK, we also think we’re the fairest. If you’re interested in receiving fast, reliable broadband with award-winning customer service from an independent provider that puts people first, enter your postcode to get started!

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