With the recently announced delay of the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) switch-off, you might be thinking, “I can wait until 2027 to make the switch.” Well, actually… there are some compelling reasons to make the upgrade to all-IP/digital services like full fibre broadband and Digital Voice sooner rather than later.

What is the PSTN switch-off?

The PSTN switch-off (also called the ‘copper switch off’ or ‘Great British Switch Off’) is the planned phase-out of the traditional copper-based telephone network, which has been the backbone of UK telecommunications for many decades. This old network is being replaced by modern all-IP (Internet Protocol) digital services, which include:

  • Full fibre broadband: Which provides much faster and more reliable internet connections than traditional copper lines.
  • SOGEA (Single Order Generic Ethernet Access): A part-fibre broadband service, available where full fibre isn’t, that doesn’t require a traditional phone line.
  • Digital Voice: A modern voice service that transmits phone calls over the internet instead of a traditional telephone line. It offers clearer call quality and more features than traditional landlines.

The switch-off had been scheduled for 2025 but was recently delayed to January 2027 to ensure a smooth transition, especially for vulnerable customers.

And now that’s cleared up, let’s bust some myths and clarify why making the switch now is a smart move.

Myth #1: “I don’t need to switch until 2027”

While the official switch-off has been delayed, adopting digital services now ensures you’re ahead of the curve. It means you can avoid the last-minute rush, benefit from improved technology sooner, and enjoy a smoother transition with ample support available. Many UK exchanges have already had copper services removed, and this process will continue, so you may even find that you have no choice but to make the move long before the 2027 deadline.

Myth #2: “My current setup works fine, so why change?”

Digital and fibre-based services offer lots of improvements over traditional copper lines. With Digital Voice, you can enjoy crystal-clear call quality, without having to worry about losing your service when the network is turned off. And with full fibre, you can enjoy faster and more reliable internet than ever before, future-proofed for the long term.

If you’ve already made the move to a modern broadband connection (like full fibre or SOGEA), it makes sense to move to a Digital Voice service too. You won’t need to pay separate line rental, and you’ll ensure all your services are uninterrupted as the switch off approaches.

Myth #3: “Switching to digital services will be complicated”

At Zen, we’re here to make your transition to modern voice and broadband services as straightforward as possible. Our team provides all the support you need, from choosing the right package to installation and setup.

Plus, as copper services become increasingly harder and more expensive to maintain, making the switch to modern digital services actually offers a simpler route.

Myth #4: “I won’t notice a difference in performance”

Whether it’s a modern broadband connection like full fibre, or an enhanced phone service like Digital Voice, when you make the switch you’ll benefit from faster internet speeds, more reliable connections, and improved voice quality.

Upgrading ensures you can take full advantage of modern digital applications, streaming, gaming, and remote working without interruptions.

Myth #5: “I can switch any time before 2027 without any issues”

Waiting until the last minute could result in potential service interruptions, long wait times for support, and even a shortage of new equipment. By switching early, you can ensure a stress-free journey, without any rush or last-minute panic, and ensuring your setup is running smoothly before the deadline.

The switch-off delays are mostly to ensure that vulnerable customers and more complex use cases are given the time they need to make a smooth transition. But we’ll still be looking to get the vast majority of people switched before the end of 2025 if they haven’t moved already.

Time to take action

Upgrading to digital services now can help you to relax as the switch off-swings into full gear. You won’t need to worry about suddenly losing access to your service. Any last-minute panic can be avoided. And you’ll have plenty of time to get the support you need. Because you’ll already be enjoying your modern voice and broadband services.

If you haven’t made the switch yet and would like to chat, give us a call on 01706 902001 or visit our Contact page for email and live chat links.

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