Digital Voice is the next step in landline evolution. But what exactly is it? If you’re confused about Digital Voice, you’re not alone. There are plenty of myths and rumours about Digital Voice, but we’re here to set the record straight. 

What is Digital Voice?  

Digital Voice is a modern way to make and receive calls that uses superfast broadband speeds. Your telephone handset will connect through your router rather than a socket in the wall.  

How Digital Voice works  

Traditional analogue phones use copper wires, but Digital Voice uses Internet Protocol (IP). This is also known as VoIP.  

VoIP translates your voice into a digital signal, allowing it to travel between devices connected to the internet. Many of you have probably used this sort of tech before on FaceTime and WhatsApp, or at least witnessed others using it. 

Fortunately, most landline phones are already compatible with VoIP technology, so in most cases you won’t need to buy a new device. Just call your service provider, switch to Digital Voice, and reap the benefits.   

Advantages of Digital Voice  

  • Future-proof your home: Evolve with the digital world and switch to Digital Voice to future-proof your phone system.  

  • Reduce costs: Monthly Digital Voice packages can often come cost at a fraction of the cost of traditional domestic landlines.  

  • Voice quality: Experience clear, crisp HD voice quality on all your calls.  

Disadvantages of Digital Voice  

  • Alienates vulnerable people: If you are reliant on an analogue alarm system, you might not yet be ready to switch to a full fibre broadband connection. The telecommunications industry is working together to ensure any vulnerable people are protected during this infrastructure change period.  

  • Power outages: Digital Voice phones rely on broadband connections, meaning a power outage will also disrupt your telephone connectivity.  

The switch -off  

In recent years, there’s been a big push for Digital Voice phone systems. The clock is ticking: the UK’s existing phone network will soon switch to a digital network and providers, including Zen, are working hard now to ensure everyone is switched ahead of the deadline, and that no one is left behind.  

The existing network is called the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). While this system uses copper wires, the new Internet Protocol system uses fibre broadband.  

You can learn more about preparing for the Great British Switch-Off here.  

When will the PSTN switch off happen? 

Openreach, the company that manages and maintains the copper wires, will switch off the PSTN network by 31 January 2027.  

Common myths about Digital Voice  

Myth #1: Digital Voice is not as reliable as a landline 

In most cases, Digital Voice is just as reliable as a landline. The only hiccup happens when you have a power cut. This will disrupt your broadband, which will affect Digital Voice services.  

But how often do power cuts happen? Compared to other countries, power cuts in the UK are rare. They can be caused by all sorts of things, including lightning strikes, fallen trees, and engineering work. In other words, all the things that could disrupt the copper wires that connect traditional analogue phone systems.  

To safeguard your Digital Voice phone system, you need a backup battery unit (BBU). These units can provide power to your hub for around an hour, allowing you to make emergency calls.  

Myth #2: Digital Voice is more expensive than a landline  

Another myth is that Digital Voice phone systems are more expensive than landlines. In fact, most landlines are already equipped to handle Digital Voice systems, meaning most people can make the switch without investing in new expensive tech.  

Then there’s the misconception that Digital Voice packages are expensive. Fortunately, IP systems are incredibly affordable, and, in most cases, they cost far less than the traditional analogue alternative.  

You can read about more Digital Voice Myths on our website.  

Trust Zen for reliable Digital Voice services  

Want Digital Voice added to your package? Our award-winning UK-based customer support team will talk you through the process, help you choose an affordable deal, and tie up any loose ends. Just sit back and enjoy reliable broadband.  

Get ahead of the Great British Switch Off with our Digital Voice deals, which start at just £6. 

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