As we outlined in this article last month, BT Group has taken the decision to delay the proposed PSTN switch off from its original December 2025 date to January 2027.

As we stated in that article, this delay is largely to help create a smoother transition for vulnerable and telecare users, and Zen’s policy is that we remain committed to transitioning the vast majority of our customers to all-IP services by the original December 2025 date.

To solidify this stance, as of 9th July 2024, Openreach has issued a final notice to all Communications Providers (CPs) nationwide, reaffirming that the official terms for the switch off will end on 31st December 2025.

Any services continuing beyond the original December 2025 deadline will now be subject to a 90-day notice period. During this time, if services and assets have not been migrated or cancelled, BT may at their discretion allow these services to continue. However, any permitted continuation will be under new terms and conditions, mirroring the current WLR contract but with significant revisions. One key revision is that the new terms will now require a minimum of 90 days’ notice for any changes.

Business as usual

As we have already previously stated, this deadline extension should not be seen as a reason for delaying your transition to all-IP technology. It provides valuable extra time in situations where that extra time is necessary, but any delays in migration beyond December 2025 come with significant risk.

We would urge all our customers to start planning and implementing their transition to all-IP technology as soon as possible. Choosing to delay this transition could result in unexpected disruptions and potential service issues, especially around fault repairs. Our team is here to support you throughout this process, to help ensure a seamless and efficient migration.

If you need any assistance or just want to ask a question, please contact your Account Manager or any other member of our team. We’re here to help make your switch to future-proof services as smooth as possible and that involves acting sooner rather than later.

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