Our broadband connections are getting faster and faster. Only a few short years ago, a 100Mbps service was considered cutting-edge, but now you’re able to offer our fastest 1.2Gbps and 1.8Gbps connections to your customers.

And guess what? They don’t have to be current full fibre customers to benefit. If you’ve got customers who are still using old-fashioned copper connections, they’ll need to make the transition to a modern broadband service soon. So why not let them go all the way and offer them the fastest business broadband around!

Making the switch to full fibre, where available, is essential for your customers, but here’s why they might want to go all-in on gigabit-plus.

Unmatched speed and reliability

Full fibre broadband outperforms copper in every aspect, including blazing fast speed and rock-solid reliability. But our fastest 1.2Gbps and 1.8Gbps connections offer your customers even more:

With a gigabit-plus connection they can:

  • Effortlessly enjoy video conferencing and virtual meetings without lag or interruptions.
  • Quickly upload and download large files for near-instant access to important resources.
  • Seamlessly access cloud-based applications, enjoying an ‘on-device’ experience even with remote resources.
  • Connect large teams and multiple devices without any performance drop-off.
  • Improve customer satisfaction and retention with faster, more reliable broadband.

You can really boil it all down into a single statement: ‘Do more, faster’. That’s the crux of why gigabit-plus broadband is so appealing, because it gives users the freedom to do everything they need and more without restriction.

A future-proof connection

We know the main question you’ll be asked when trying to convince a customer about the benefits of gigabit-plus: “Isn’t that overkill?”

And here’s the honest bit… for many users it may very well be. But consider two things: all the ‘extra’ things it would comfortably allow a business to do, and how a future-proof connection will enable them to stay one step ahead.

As businesses adopt more digital tools, technologies, and cloud services. Gigabit broadband speeds can easily accommodate the increasing bandwidth demands that each of those services imposes. By switching to Zen’s fastest connections, businesses can:

  • Scale their operations with ease, accommodating growing data and connectivity requirements.
  • Stay ahead of technological advancements and adopt emerging technologies without fear of connectivity issues.
  • Provide a solid foundation for innovation – where bandwidth-hungry use cases like AI, smart devices, cloud communications, data analytics and more are easily integrated.

Help them make the right choice

Whether or not a gigabit-plus connection is the right choice for your customer, it’s important to know that it is available. If your customer can access full fibre, they can benefit from a 1.2Gbps or 1.8Gbps service to add ultrafast, ultra reliable, future proof connectivity to their business.

Perhaps the most important thing though is that these customers need to be migrated away from their copper connections now. Whether that’s to a gigabit-plus service or one of our other full fibre broadband connections, now’s the time to start encouraging them to make the switch.

If you need any support, email our Partner team, call them on 01706 902581 or speak to your Account Manager. They can also help you to initiate the migration process for your customers, or you can visit your partner portal if you’d prefer.

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