We are proud to announce that we have been named one of the UK’s Best Wokplaces for Women™.

The Best Workplaces for Women™ list recognises companies in the UK that are ensuring a reasonable balance of women and men across the organisation; removing barriers to women’s career advancement; and creating workplaces where all employees, regardless of gender, can flourish.

Our inclusion on this exclusive list officially acknowledges our commitment to create a consistently and overwhelmingly positive employee experience, to foster cultures that are proven to drive business, improve lives, and better society. Over the past few years we have introduced numerous new benefits and policies to solidify our commitment to ensuring our workplace is great for all including improved paternity policies, flexible working practices and our Women in Tech network is flourishing.

To compile the UK’s Best Workplaces for Women™ List, Great Place To Work® analysed the anonymous responses of females in the workplace and considered their daily experiences of innovation, the company’s values, and the effectiveness of their leaders, to ensure they’re consistently experienced, as well. They then used these data insights to benchmark our company's employee value proposition against the culture our employees actually experience. Only the businesses who achieve the highest scores after evaluation receive Best Workplaces™ status.

One employee referenced our flexible working practices in their feedback, sating “They are a fantastic company to work for. Everyone is friendly, helpful and supportive. The work life balance and understanding of family dynamics is amazing.”

Our CEO Richard Tang had this to say, ““There is no denying that our sector remains a male-dominated field despite research suggesting that more diverse teams will outperform teams that aren’t. These are the kind of teams I want to see more of at Zen. We know that about half of the broader workforce are women (49%), but only a fifth (19%) are in the tech sector. At Zen, we don’t have the balance right either with the split about 29% female to 71% male. However, we are actively taking steps to re-work this balance and encourage more women into our tech roles.

“Closing the gap in women representation can help address the overall shortage of tech talent, help break through stereotypes, and reshape the narrative around gender and technology. We have some way to go as change doesn’t happen overnight, but I will continue to champion efforts at Zen that will help us realise equity for our people.”

Benedict Gautrey, Managing Director of Great Place To Work UK says: “Workplaces are only great if they’re great for all employees. For seven years, the UK’s Best Workplaces for Women™ List has been paving the way by tackling discrimination, removing barriers to women’s advancement in their careers, and challenging taboos around subjects like the menopause, and endometriosis.

 “Importantly, each of the companies on the list have been commended by their own female employees through their anonymous feedback that told us their workplace has gone above and beyond to ensure that women employees are treated fairly in terms of recognition, training, and promotion opportunities.

“Congratulations to Zen for making this prestigious list!”

This award is our third from Great Place To Work over the past few months as we also featured in the UK’s Best Workplaces™ 2024, UK’s Best Workplaces for Development™ 2024 and UK’S Best Workplaces for Wellbeing™ lists.

We’re so proud of this achievement and look forward to using the valuable insights Great Place To Work has provided us with to continually build on our culture and employee satisfaction. If you would like to be part of our GREAT team, check out our latest vacancies here: https://www.zen.co.uk/careers/vacancies  
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