Adding SPF/DKIM Records to Verify Email

For Business

1. Accessing Email Deliverability Settings
  • First, open your cPanel and log in (for a guide on how to do this look here)

  • Select "Email Deliverability" from the "Email" sub-menu

    email menu with the email deliverability sub menu highlighted

    NOTE: If you're using external email servers instead of cPanel for sending your domain emails, you'll need to manually adjust the following cPanel Suggested SPF policy. Please consult your IT Support to do this.
2. Finding Generated DKIM/SPF Records
  • Find your domain name within the list and click the "Manage" button

    domain list with the option to manage highlighted
  • You'll see information for "DKIM" and "SPF" records

    text fields with name and value entries for DKIM and SPF records
  • You don't need to do anything with the information here yet, but keep this page open as we'll need it later.

NOTE: If you've registered your domain with a third party, or using external name servers, you'll need to add these SPF/DKIM records onto the DNS platform you use. 

3. Logging into your Portal
  • Go to the "My Account" section of the Zen website and enter your username or password

    Two text boxes, indicating to enter log in details, with an option below to sign up
    Note - If you are not signed up for the portal click the button to "Sign Up for a Zen Account"
4. Finding DNS Tools
  • Select "Services" at the side of the main Portal page

highlighted interface tab for a menu containing active services

  • Then select the "DNS" tab

Highlighted area of the Business Portal showing a tab labelled DNS

  • Search for the service you want to change the records for, using the "Domain name" then select it from the list

Highlighted search bar for domain services in the Business Portal

  • Within the service, select "DNS settings"

Highlighted blue button to change DNS settings in the Business Portal

  • Then select "Advanced DNS Tools" from the three options

5. Adding the SPF Record

We now need to copy the information from the previous cPanel page, into the TXT record page on the Zen Customer Portal.

Portal interface showing hostname and text for TXT records

  • Copy the "Name" from the Suggested SPF record on cPanel, into the "Hostname/Subdomain " field on the Zen Customer Portal.

    cPanel interface showing move of SPF Name to the Zen Home Portal
  • Now copy the "Value" from the Suggested SPF record on cPanel, into the "Text" field on the Zen Customer Portal

    cPanel interface showing move of SPF Value to the Zen Home Portal
  • Finally click "Add" on the Zen Customer Portal to add the record.


6. Adding the DKIM Record

Like with the SPF record. Copy the information from the previous cPanel page, into the TXT record page on the Zen Customer Portal.

  • Enter "default._domainkey" into the "Hostname/Subdomain " field on the Zen Customer Portal

  • cPanel interface showing DKIM Name to the Zen Home Portal

  • Now copy the "Value" from the Suggested SPF record on cPanel, into the "Text" field on the Zen Customer Portal

  • cPanel interface showing move of DKIM Value to the Zen Home Portal

  • Finally click "Add" on the Zen Customer Portal to add the record
Still Need a Hand?

If encountering problems entering any records, feel free to contact our Web Hosting team.

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